July 18, 2010

A six week assignment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for consulting. Initially it was a thrill to visit a typical Muslim kingdom, new people, new culture, and people wearing typical Islamic suits. Bordered one side by sea and other by small countries lays the huge Islamic kingdom. I stayed in Jeddah in the dist of Makah (the pilgrim place). Building were no more that 2 floors, flatten population, cheap fuel availability increased the number of motors. As a part of my assignment I got to meet various people. Yes i meet people from two extremes, Knowledge enough in doing what they do and the other set doesn’t know what they are doing. I was a nice experience that I studied a lot in all angles. We are three in team, we together worked, analyzed, argued and even fight with each other, at the end its all for the success of the assignment.

I had a change to visit the beach (rocky beach) and few shopping malls. The extreme temperature above 50 C doesn’t allow me to roam across; still it’s a life time experience both officially and personally. Here are few pics over there.
For more pics, http://picasaweb.google.com/gansak/JeddahSaudiArabia

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